Run Your Car On Water - Myth Or Magic?

By Lesa Crosby

Researchers are going into overdrive looking for new ways to fuel our cars, which includes experiments on technologies that claim you can run your car on water.

There's no doubt that the most brilliant scientists in the world have to come up with a solution to our over priced, limited supply of fossil fuel. Green house gas and tightly controlled emissions programs are fueling research into using simple water as a possible fuel source. In America, we use the equivalent of an Olympic-sized swimming pool in fuel every 15 seconds. Driving is part of our culture, but if we don't do something to save the planet and reduce fuel costs, what culture will there be?

This urgent need to find a way to fuel our beloved automobiles in a green way has been fertile ground for unscrupulous shysters. Conversion kits abound on the internet and skeptical bloggers say they make very little difference in fuel economy, if at all. Hucksters claim the big oil companies don't want you to know about alternative technologies, yet these days with information available with the push of a button, it's very difficult to squash the flow of data.

Man has always looked for new ways to use water. Almost 30 years ago, American inventory Stan Myer used just 22 gallons of water to drive a dune buggy from Los Angeles to New York. He proved that vehicle engines could use water and a source of electricity to create Brown's Gas, which is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. He patented his water/hydrogen fuel cell technology but didn't live to see it become popular.

Since that time, videos of Myer have been used to give credibility to weak products on the internet. One sales pitch claimed that your vehicle could be converted in just 40 minutes by your neighborhood mechanic for around $120.

Having said that, one can't completely dismiss Myer's findings. Since the early 1880s, the oxyhydrogen torch, fed by an oxygen and hydrogen mix of gases, has been used in welding. However, like the oil that water hopes to replace, it needs refining. Scientists need to find a way to generate enough power, which a car battery doesn't provide at the moment.

Yes, Myer patented his hydrogen fuel cell and clearly had success with it before his untimely death. Inventors have used electricity and even radio waves to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen, using the applications to drive small engines.

If any type of water is going to make a splash on the alternative fuel scene, it just may be water from the ocean. The effect of radio waves when exposed to salt water, created tremendous energy in an experiment conducted by John Kanzius of Pennsylvania. He was looking for a cure for cancer when he discovered that breaking the bond of hydrogen and oxygen in sea water created a white hot flame. Energy unleashed!

Scientists in Ohio asked to see his findings. Their skepticism turned to delight as they saw for themselves the tremendous potential. The energy certainly had the potential for many applications, such as desalinating sea water but especially for powering an automobile.

Kanzius story is that of the great American inventor who stumbles upon an incredible new finding while looking for something else.

In a bid to go "green", the world may just be going "wet" in the years to come. - 30204

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Consider Video Surveillance Systems for Your Home or Business

By George Friston

In many situations video surveillance systems can be useful tools.Such advanced gadgetry gives precise record of events when properly utilized. Having video surveillance is a wise plan for a business owner who cant be there in their actual business operations due to busy schedules. There are some events that might happen with out the presence of the owner. Video surveillance systems are very useful to identify and record when someone shoplifts from the store. Most criminals are caught because of video surveillance footage; this is helpful forensic evidence. Before shoplifters run from the store, video surveillance alerts the security guards or whoever attending the store can apprehend the shoplifters on the spot.

The use of video surveillance is not only limited to business matters, it also covers the security it gives at home. Many parents prefer having these surveillance systems to know more about the people they hire to take care of their home, for example, house cleaners. Home owners use the surveillance to know whether the house cleaners really did clean the house and they have not stole anything from the house. Busy parents also utilize surveillance systems to let them to know if their children have been really taken care of .Moreover, these surveillance systems could get video footage on how the babysitters have treated their child, to determine if the child has been disciplined in a right and humane manner. Numerous crime videos of babysitters mistreating child have been recorded using these gadgets. Surveillance footage of these inappropriate actions,will be concrete evidence against the people that you have once trusted. Now, you can be vigilant of the people around you.

Camera surveillance is also an excellent instrument to use not only for customers and shoplifters but also to watch the employees on the work when the person in charge is away. Video surveillance is great for observing employees and making sure they are doing their job right .It can monitor their performance too. Surveillance can be used to make sure that an employee does not steal money in the cash drawers or the business products as shoplifters are not the only ones who steal.Having video surveillance is most advantageous during night time when a retail store or business is closed. In addition to alarm systems and security measures, video cameras will assist the police to recognize the criminals, to determine how they broke in and the point of entry, and their loots. If someone breaks into the store or business while nobody is guarding it, keeping video surveillance camera systems running after hours will increase the chances of the apprehending the criminal.

You should not easily trust anybody especially nannys or babysitters that are left in house with your kids. There have been many cases that nannies have been caught on spy cams hurting children. Nanny cams help to make sure your children are well taken care of and also to ensure the safety of the whole house. Nannies will be afraid to steal or devastate your properties knowing that they are being recorded. These cameras will help prevent crimes such as child abuse and theft. The violators will then be identified thus preventing them from being hired again and wreak havoc to unsuspecting victims.

Parking lots located are also criminals best hang outs which happens to have plenty of car napping and other petty crimes .Putting video surveillance in this kind of area like any businesses require, is of great concern, protects your costumers too. Identifying the culprit and the involved persons to a vehicle theft is the main purpose of these hi-tech video surveillance systems. This camera surveillance keeps the front like parking lots of your business safe. Having these kinds of surveillance systems creates an atmosphere of safety for clients, when they know that your place is secured by a surveillance camera.

Home or business is best with a video camera surveillance; keeping you safe and informed. Video surveillance drops the crime levels in businesses and even in the parking spaces .It also prevents employees from stealing as well as shoplifters. You can now be assured that the people you hire on taking care of your children are of good records. Lastly, the video surveillance camera system is your trusted tool to know the events within your home and in your business. You can now be relaxed and peaceful "minded with surveillance that gives your 24/7 protection. - 30204

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How to Protect Your New Idea - What Works Best For You?

By Bill Creen

That great new idea of yours can change your life for the better. But before you jump right into further development and marketing, you need to protect it from those few unscrupulous folks that might just steal those dreams. Plus, once you've obtained appropriate protection, you will have many more options available.

But how best do you provide this protection? What will work for YOU? Basically you need to go with one of the following: secrecy, a full patent, or a provisional patent. Your current financial situation and the nature of your specific idea or type of invention will determine which option is best for you. So we will look at these in that light.

Secrecy -The Coca Cola family successfully maintained the 'secret formula' of their product for generations. However, secrets are almost impossible to keep for very long. And to keep from involving others, you must be financially capable of seeing your product through to production and distribution. Typically, secrecy works best for processes or products that are not easily reverse engineered.

Full Patent - If your idea or invention is mechanical, technical or electronic, it is unlikely that mere secrecy will work for you. Your idea will ultimately require a full patent. If you have checked out any of the companies that cater to new inventors, you know that full (non-provisional) patents are very expensive. In reality, these full patents will need an experienced patent attorney -- and they don't come cheap! This is the ultimate way to go, if you can afford it.

Provisional Patent - if funds are limited, this is very viable. It's likely the best option for you. The PPA or provisional patent application gets your foot in the door and holds your place, until someone you assign can pay for the costly full patent. You get to display 'patent Pending' with the description of your product. It gives you one year to find backers, promoters and partners and to get the full patent.

With a full or provisional patent, you can safely disclose your idea and negotiate with companies to develop, manufacture, promote, sell and distribute your innovation. You can easily negotiate for signing fees, royalties and commissions. Your creativity can then turn to new ideas and inventions!

In summary, a full patent is extremely expensive, as well as time-consuming. If money is tight initially, you can file for a provisional patent all on your own. On the website for the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) there are hundreds of forms. If you love research, you could easily spend 12 - 15 hours to determine which forms are needed, and which sections and lines on those forms are necessary to get the application accepted. If you're like most folks however, you might opt for a major shortcut -- in the form of one of the many readily available provisional patent application kits.

So here's the key: time is of the essence! Don't wait and let your idea be patented by someone else. Research the required forms thoroughly but quickly. If reading government forms and instructions isn't for you, then one of these inexpensive kits might be your preferred solution.

Most of the better kits either list or actually contain the forms needed -- and only those forms needed. While some include the 'government instructions' for every line of each form, the more user-friendly kits should give you simplified, plain-English directions, for filling in just those lines and sections that are appropriate -- not all sections and lines are needed, nor even desirable. Provisional Patent application kits can be found for 50 to 100 dollars, and up.

Your valuable time will be freed up for more productive or creative use, once you have full patent or provisional patent protection. You will be searching for eager and able third parties that will help you push your dream toward reality. Once protected your move toward financial security will be accelerated. So don't ignore the necessity of doing what it takes to get protected, them move confidently and safely forward! - 30204

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Discover New Video Surveillance Systems

By Donald Browns, Manny Gregor

One of the most useful tools that science discovered is the surveillance camera. In early decades, the utilization of surveillance systems is mostly found in the field of law and enforcement and military use. But, due to rising crime levels, general consumers found that there is a need for security and information gathering. Thus, the role of video surveillance camera system is an important factor in terms of home and business security. These video surveillance systems have become an advantage for business owners to supervise their business even without visiting the actual business premises, and it has become the disadvantage for criminals. The system contributes in terms of taking footage of thief, robberies and shoplifting. A large percent of the crimes were solved because police authorities use recorded video via these surveillance systems. Having these systems is worthwhile of an investment, gives peace of mind and comfort too.

The use of video surveillance is not only limited to business matters, it also covers the security it gives at home. Many parents prefer having these surveillance systems to know more about the people they hire to take care of their home, for example, house cleaners. Home owners use the surveillance to know whether the house cleaners really did clean the house and they have not stole anything from the house. Busy parents also utilize surveillance systems to let them to know if their children have been really taken care of .Moreover, these surveillance systems could get video footage on how the babysitters have treated their child, to determine if the child has been disciplined in a right and humane manner. Numerous crime videos of babysitters mistreating child have been recorded using these gadgets. Surveillance footage of these inappropriate actions,will be concrete evidence against the people that you have once trusted. Now, you can be vigilant of the people around you.

Video surveillance camera systems are also good to have running when a store or business is closed for the night. If anyone breaks into the store or business while everyone is away after hours, alarm systems will certainly go off to signal to the police that there is an intruder. In addition, video cameras will help the police to identify who it was that broke into the store, how they broke in, and what they stole. Keeping video surveillance camera systems running after hours will increase the chances of catching a criminal if someone breaks into the business, office or store.

Video surveillance systems are great to use in parking lots outside of businesses as well. Parking lots experience break ins just as much or more than businesses do. If a business has a parking lot, it is a good idea to use video surveillance in this parking lot to identify who is involved if a car theft happens. Surveilling the parking lot will increase the level of safety of the business as customers and clients will feel more comfortable knowing that an individual will be caught by cameras.

Some people choose to use video surveillance for instances when they are not in their home and have someone looking after their children for child care. Background checks on nanny's, babysitters, and house cleaners can be done to ensure that they have no criminal background, but nanny cams help to make sure that children are being cared for appropriately without violence, and to ensure that the people who are hired to watch your children and clean the home are not stealing from the home. There have been instances where nannies have been caught on nanny cameras hurting children and disciplining them in an inappropriate manner. These cameras will help to prevent these crimes against children or catch these people in the act of a crime so that it does not happen again and if they are caught it helps to prevent these people from being hired by any one else in the future.

All in all, video camera surveillance is essential for the safety of home and business. These systems provide security against child abusers and housebreak. It prevents costumers as well as employees from stealing. It keeps an eye on the store for any suspicious acts while the manager or owner is away. Video surveillance decreases criminal activities in dark and gloomy areas such as parking lots and underground parking area. It is a must have security measure for business and in home. It is always better to be safe than to be regretful. - 30204

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Water Powered Vehicles

By Joel Adkins

What if you can easily get gas as affordable as you do water? Water can be used as fuel for your car when it is used to supplement gasoline. Well, are you tired of high gas prices?

More and more people are telecommuting for their job and SUV sales might be in big trouble! What if you could get gas as easily and as affordable as you get water? That would be a dream come true for most everyone.

Actually, it would be a down right miracle, wouldn't it? The fact is that it is true. You can fuel your vehicle with water!

Is it for you? Well, if you are tired of high gas prices, you want double your gas mileage and if you are concerned vehicle emissions. This is something you can do yourself for less than the cost of gas for one month.

Are you tired of high gas prices? Do you want to double your gas mileage? Are you are concerned with vehicle emissions?

There is no special type of water that must be used. There isn't any formula that should be mixed. We are talking plain old tap water!

It does not matter what type of vehicle you own. It does not even matter if it runs on diesel. This is something you can do yourself for less than the cost of gas for one month.

Water can be used as fuel for your car. It is used to supplement gasoline. Interestingly, very little water is needed!

Water can be used as fuel for your car when used to supplement gasoline. Interestingly enough, very little water is needed! One quart of water provides almost 2000 gallons of HHO gas which can easily last for months while increasing your vehicle's fuel efficiently, improve emissions quality, all while saving you money.

Some experts believe that most cars will use this technology by 2012. Why wait for the automotive industry to show leadership? Why waste more time or money? - 30204

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